It is a great honor to be endorsed by the Democratic Women of Monterey County. The endorsement process was significant with the endorsement based on the membership voting on a questionnaire that each candidate filed out.
My answer to Why are you seeking the DWMC endorsement?
I am seeking the DWMC endorsement to make a better country and world for my 6 year old daughter Mia. Mia wants to be a sea cleaner and to help make the world more sustainable, as her father, I want to show her amazing women and men have worked together to build a better world for her to inherit. I want Mia to have the right to make her own choices, about her body, her home and her life. As a single Father, I have seen the challenges of the costs of raising children and I want to work to lower it for everyone. I have worked in my career to promote Women into higher roles in the companies I have worked for and I believe strongly in the equal rights amendment. I want to show my Daughter that men and women can work together to achieve equality and that there is nothing she can not do.

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